Seeing is Believing
by Lady Allesandra (Dark Desire)
Strange happenings in Club Connect. Seems Guide Ironfeather stumbled on a nude beauty hiding behind a Valentine’s card waiting to surprise her husband, THE NEW BEAST. Since all potentially offending items were thus hidden, and being a romantic himself (cough), Ironfeather decided to just give our very own sweet Dorothy Rose a warning. With Valentine’s Day rapidly approaching, I am sure we will see many more romantic gestures as we wander the streets of our wonderful NRW.
While recovering from the previous excitement, suddenly I was seeing double!! Will the real Colors and Cherie show themselves!! Even their TMA’s were identical. They kept us guessing for a while. Can you tell them apart??
*hint* Cheri is the one with the heart!
Need blood, gotta go hunting, see ya!!! V^^^^^V