Frontiers Opens New Riverboat Casino
By Ryan Walsh
On Friday Feb. 5th… We had a Frontiers Event. The Frontiers events are always fun! Sue(Frontiers) was the host.. Everyone that participated had a blast!!
Friday, Frontiers opened a Casino. A Riverboat Casino! It was a lot of fun.. We all started out at Frontiers in Club Connect. We then traveled over to a Phoenix turf. Thats where the fun started!! There was no prizes for the casino games but nobody seemed to care! This event hosted casino games such as.. Poker, Roulette, Blackjack and Slot machines!
Then we had a trivia question. The question was: What is The name of the Frontiers Mardi Gras Team
The correct answer was Krewe Frontiers
The winners were
First Place- SafeCrakr
Second Was — PokerFace
Third Was– Scutter
This event was a test run of the Riverboat. There were several problems with the web based games but I am sure they will be fixed up in a jiffy. Frontiers plans to open the riverboat as a regular Saturday event.
Frontiers has great games and this is sure to be another huge success. Check out their schedule and come cruise soon.